They say this is the film health organizations don’t want you to see…
And I agree. This information is not new to me, but to the average American it is and it has been shocking. People get upset, they feel betrayed and used once they understand what the food companies do to keep you eating what makes you ill (not news to even the most misinformed person). But what makes the really MAD is when they realize what the health organizations and doctors are doing to keep you sick. The level of betrayal, money hunger and sheer evil is shocking to most.
What I like about this documentary. I like that many people are calling me and more are posting on social media about this movie and how it opened their eyes. I like very much that people are questioning their food choices and that thanks to this documentary they are considering changing the way they eat. I also like that there are several human stories in it, and you can connect to real people and their struggles. You can also get the facts from many experts who I’ve been following for years. These are people who need to be heard and research studies that need to be public for us to be educated consumers and patients. One of my favorite things is that this film, unlike many others that promote a plant based diet, does no show ugly images of suffering animals. I simply don’t believe in scare tactics.
What I don’t like. I HATE that the makers of the film cut some of the testimonials of these eminent doctors and made them sound like they were saying that sugar is not an issue . I can ensure you these doctors did not just say that sugar is good. In their efforts to convince viewers that animal foods are harmful they decided to down play one of the top poisons in todays diet. I found this irresponsible. I believe the doctors were referring to natural occurring sugars (in fruit, whole grains, etc) and not talking about table sugar, sweeteners or HFCS. Why is this bad? Just recently a friend of mine who’s been trying to educate her parents told me “My dad just say What the health and told me…they say sugar is good, so I’m going to have my sugar”. Yes, I know that this is 100% selective hearing and that this person is simply not wanting to change his sugar habits for the better, but I ensure you there are many, many people so attached to their way of eating, both emotionally and physically that can use this as a “pass” to harm themselves. Some of these people may be at risk of diabetes or already diabetic.
The space in between. Ok, like to think that I do my best to be sober, matter of fact and somewhat methodical while being loving. I see the loving intention of the movie and for that I applaud it. I also see the way fear moved in to make those editing cuts as to push people to further agree with them. After all, no one is free from ego. But in between there is a gap. This gap is full of questions. These are in everyone’s mind: What now? What do I eat? How do I start?
I’ve been a vegetarian for five years and a vegan for one. This has been a slow learning process for me. I’ve been there and I want to help. If you are lost, or overwhelmed, please I beg you to seek coaching guidance while making changes to a plant based diet. It is easy to eat a plant based diet but still have too many processed foods that harm you. It is also easy to become a “carboholic’ in the process due to lack of variety, change in taste preferences and poor cooking skills. Some people fail to understand the role of plant protein, supplementation and many more start having crazy sugar & other cravings or become weak. In some cases people are so lost that they even gain weight (something crazy by vegan standards)…I promise you it does not have to be that way!!!! This is a simple process. Your body will adjust to less animal foods (or none at all – it is up to you) and your life & health will change for the better. You just need to get your bases covered.
In just 1 day I will be leading a group that can be the answer to all of these questions. It is a 30 day journey from cleansing to learning how to cook, plan meals and create the habits this movie supports and many of you need. Take a moment to check out the incredible BEST YOU Summer program HERE
My friend, a retired natural doctor, told me last week that I “overdeliver”. So be it. I am totally overdelivering in this program because I want you to succeed! Similar plans go for over $500! and they don’t even include the supplements. Why do I do this? Because I believe more people need to have access to this health. After all, our government is not supporting us, neither are most health organizations, and needless to say the food industry.
Empower yourself with a group of wonderful people. Join us!
HERE is all that you need to know
No movie will be powerful enough as your own behavior, your decision and your actions. Imagine having a professional to guide you for an entire month from the comfort of your home.
To learn more and register go HERE
And if you have questions leave a comment and let’s get talking love. Don’t wait for your life to start some day, start it now with the group or with my one-on-one help. It is up to you!
Coach Maria Marcano
PS: Here is a link to the documentary trailer in case have not seen it. It is available on Netflix