I came to think country many moons ago with a preconceived idea of  Thanksgiving, based on movies and TV shows. I must admit that some of the expectations were proven real, but others were a complete cultural and gastronomic shock. I had my first encounter with the infamous green bean casserole with canned soup and boxed onions and I tasted marshmallows for the first time (and actually for the last time) on top of sweet potatoes. I felt like an extraterrestrial being that day. Don’t get me wrong, in the Latino culture we feast, big time! But a celebratory dinner is often followed by dancing, so we get a chance to burn it off. In this case,  after dinner came  “American Football” (as I still call it!) …Oh boy! the memories…I will never forget my first thanksgiving, I would have liked to have the part from the movie where everyone get’s to say what they are thankful for…Unfortunately I didn’t get that experience then, but I’ve had it many times since. I do love the real spirit behind Thanksgiving
Why I tell you this story? Many years later, thanks to my work, I’ve made an important connection: The lack of  intention or the absence of a definition of what this day is about makes overeating and passing out in front of the TV more likely. I’m here to help you avoid that, because I feel this can be a great victory in your wellness path.


So remember these tips…

  1. Make the morning of Thanksgiving about movement. Exercise to kick start your metabolism and help your body burn what is about to be on your plate latter. This also sets your mind on the right track, by starting with a healthy choices the rest of your choices will be similar
  2. Follow the guidelines of the holistic plate. Simply make half of your plate a rainbow of non-starchy vegetables. If the place were you are dining is known for not having vegetables,  be a gracious guest and bring a salad with apples and walnuts or a tray of roasted veggies like cauliflower, peppers, onion, zucchini seasoned with garlic and rosemary. Everyone will love you. Then make 20% each, protein and starchy veggies or grains (hopefully whole grains!). Voila! the perfect  anti-coma plate
  3. Call upon the name of Spirit. even before the eating part begins. Dedicate the interactions to Spirit and to peace and harmony. Ask the God of your understanding to guide your food choices and your interactions so they all come from a space of Love. Be loving to your body with every bite.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving my lovely wellness warrior!


My “OM” Tips to Bring Wellbeing to Thanksgiving

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