I don’t know about you but 2019 has got me for a huge spin! And we are just getting stated!!!
Can you feel it?
It is as if I am in the spin cycle of the washer. I’ve been through some twists and turns before, and I have let go of many old believes and habits on the previous cycles, but we are on some high speed – get ready to look amazing – and feel like new process…Yay! or Yikes!?
Here are some of the things I have experienced
I moved to a new place
I have to let go on my adored cat (he wasn’t mine really, I was sort of pet sitting….for over a year!)
I had all kinds of changes on my yoga teaching schedule
I closed cycles with long time clients now going on their new and wholesome life – they don’t need me anymore and that is awesome
I donated most of my hair (chopped all!)
I accepted the departure of some old friends as we grew apart and I welcomed new friends – There’s a lot of new people coming into my life and I suppose I needed to create space for them.
I have several new business partners. The Super food and CBD tribe I created in partnership with an organic producer growing leaps and bounds!
I enrolled on what I believe can be a life changing mentorship
My entire business: coaching membership group, brand and website are also changing as we speak
I’m a bit nervous just listing all of these things! There are so many new experiences, so many changes. It is no surprise to me that this is happening now… Can you tell we’re entering spring?!
When I realize the magnitude of all that is happening I could freak out and get overwhelmed…I use to do that and sometimes a little “fear bubble” in my gut jumps trying to hit the breaks. Do you know that feeling? But today I won’t get paralyzed. I know better. However, before I knew what I know now I could only see two options: Getting overwhelmed & petrified used to be one; and acting manic doing things left and right was the other. Neither of them made these changing times easier. They made them worst! . There is no way to avoid the change needed for growth…The signs are clear form most, with the most obvious being reaching a plato. Wether it is your weight, your career, your relationships, your finances, if you are stuck anywhere, you have to MAKE SPACE for change. That means out with the old and in with the new!
My favorite way to start new is to cleanse my current cycles to help me get clear. Change requires decision making and I want to be as clear as possible. These are some tips to get the Clarity to start NEW
- To me clarity comes with lessening the load I carry so I’m called to clean up, say no to things, and simplify.
- Clarity also comes with comforting routines that make me feel safe and keep my mind in order in the midst of changes.
- Another key thing is more rest, better sleep to integrate it all…less meaningless items in my to do list and more meaningful activity.
- Supporting my liver, the master cleanser, becomes needed so I don’t get stuck. I want to help my physical and energetic body let old emotions and toxins go.
- I add more nourishing and cell building nutrients so I have the energy to transform
- Some LOVING detoxing get sprinkled to remove deeper blockages.
Spring is asking us to come out and play, to move and to release the burdens we carry. The foods of springs are cleansing foods, the looks of spring are colorful and blooming and the call of spring is to start ANEW. That is what I plan to do and I want to do it with you.
How do you know you need this? Ask yourself this Holistic cleansing questions
- Do I carry old resentments, memories and regrets that affect my present life?
- Do I medicate these and other emotions with food and alcohol?
- Do I have trouble making decisions and creating a healthy routine
- Do I suffer from one or several health challenge that occupy my mind and create suffering?
- Am I experiencing chronic conditions that seem to have no explanation?
- Does my body feel slow, heavy, achy, bloated or weak? or do I look older, more tired and grumpy that I would like to? (and that it is healthy for my age)
- Is my mind growing unfocused, worrisome, with moments of brain fog?
Breathe and let all the emotions, physical sensations and thoughts you are having now move about in your BEING. Do you feel like you are on the right track? Or do you wish to be free of some of these things? If you said yes to more than two questions I have news for you….you need to blossom into something NEW. The time to do it is NOW or the pain of stagnation is going to take an unnecessary toll on you
How do I know this? That is the place I was in January until I decided to let life guide me to a NEW ME. I get to feel hope, curiosity, excitement, nervousness, confusion, joy and much more…I get to feel alive! Would you like to feel the same? Let’s start by focusing on your energy.
According to Chinese medicine the liver is a master organ in charge of regulating your Qi or living force, the energy that makes you function, thrive, heal, repair and more. If the liver becomes unhealthy your body suffers from energy stagnation, toxin build up and emotional tension. With dozens and dozens of metabolic jobs there is no way that you can be completely healthy while ignoring the liver. And all ancient traditions point at the Spring as the time to care for this special organ. Mother earth is giving us all he herbs, foods and weather conditions for it. We just need to say yes to this season.
This is what the Holistic Spring Cleanse Master Class is designed to do. In the pasts I have done spring cleanses and I loved them, but this year I am making changes because I want this to be SIMPLE and accessible to all. I am on a mission to help you because if more of you go through this process we will evolve as a species faster. We will affect the people and places we come in contact with differently. We will rise the energy & consciousness, we’ll become people of the answer, in tune with the earth and with our divinity. That’s what this is all about.
The plan is a hybrid between a DIY and a guided plan. This means FLEXIBILITY. This plan is also short and sweet. Only 14 days. This means MANAGEABILITY. But more that anything, this plan has distilled all the IMPORTANT stuff so you can digest it all, without overwhelm and get the results you need by taking action.
By enrolling you will participate on the Master Class where I will share the plan, materials, food information and answer all your questions. I will also teach you how to create a season long lifestyle so you keep it up all Spring long. I will touch on the health of the liver and its emotional energies and I will introduce you to the emotional and mental cleansing aspects of the plan.
Here is what you will get with your the Master Class
- 90 Minute Master Class and Q&A
- Recipe Guide
- Grocery List
- Food Journal
- Preparation and Transition Guide
- Detox Tools and Mindful Practice Guide
- Daily Email Support
- 30 Minute Group Integration Coaching Call (Mid April)
- Bonus Videos, Meditations, Restaurant ordering guide
- Early Bird Gift – Stress Free Cooking for Busy People Master Class (recording) Plus Juicing and Smoothies for the beginner recipe e-book.
You are the first people to know about this! So head over to the website and take your spot because I am only taking 20 people for this class! Get more information and register HERE
Make this Spring a time for real renewal !
Coach Maria Marcano