How would you like to learn a lifestyle that will help you…
Lose the pounds you gained over the Holidays
Maintain energy throughout the day without the afternoon crash
Free yourself from the sugar emotional connection & the guilt that follows
Replace sugary foods with naturally sweet foods, so you don’t feel deprived
Remove the food that triggers carb cravings from your diet
Learn recipes and tricks to keep you satiated, alert and calm
Let go of excess fat caused by blood sugar inducing foods
Improve skin tone, digestion, mental clarity and feel gorgeous & attractive again!
Take the Online 14 Day Sugar Craving Fix and Break your Craving Cycle
January 14th to the 28th ~ 2018
After all the fun from the Holidays do you find yourself having cravings for you carbs and sugar? Maybe you have “The sugar blues” . The sugar blues is that emotional roller coaster that has you one moment beaming with joy after a sweet treat, a pastry, bread or starchy meal and then burning with guilt and crashing with low energy the next minute. Sounds familiar? It it such a blow to your self-esteem! It makes you feel powerless and it robs you from your inner knowing, your light and your joy. That is no way to go through life! Let alone start a new year
The chemistry of sugar and the brain is tricky. It requires close attention and a systematic approach. It is not about self will and discipline only. It’s about mindfulness, emotional intelligence and never ever being bored with your food and life.
This cleanse provides just that. It is so much more than a cleanse! It is a catalyst for transformation. There will be no diet non-sense, no hunger strikes and no fake processed drugs or supplements. Just real food, science proven tools, loving support and full body and mind coaching.
This holistic approach will give you the key to unlock a life free of sugar & carb addiction. You will see improvement in your mood, digestion, concentration and mental clarity.
Get to sleep better, increase energy, feel lighter and put a stop to weight gain from blood sugar imbalance. Consider this a course in mastering the one thing that makes you feel weak all the time. This is the beginning of a NEW and EMPOWERED you
You know this program is for you if ….
You feel tired, unfocused and lethargic in the afternoon
You carry an extra 5-10 lbs that never seem to go away
Your favorite foods refined carbohydrates like bread, pasta, pizza, white rice & baked goods. And you crave them often.
You experience late night cravings and have been known to have snacks after dinner.
Your mood changes without apparent reason
You have dark circles around the eyes, suffer from headaches and trouble sleeping
You often feel bloated, constipated or have a “sluggish” digestion
You have a secret “stash” of sweets in your work and/or home
You automatically connect sweets, dessert and baked goods with joy and pleasure
You store excess fat around your belly area
But more importantly…
Are stuck in a cycle of cravings and dieting that is taking you nowhere?
If you answer yes you are on this roller coaster already!…and your body, mind and emotions are going wild. Only by getting off it you would recognize how it feels to be standing in your own two feet, in control of your health. These 15 days are about this: getting your zest for the real sweetness of life back. And we need you to do that because no one else is like YOU
What would your life be like if you were free from your current relationship with cravings?
Join me & discover how it feels to be free!
Early bird until January 7th ~ $99
Early bird Bonuses:
One 45-minute 101 session PLUS one full month of clean eating menus planned for you!
After January 7th ~ $129
This group is 100% online Including expert food and lifestyle coaching, peer support and resources galore!
The weekly coaching calls will keep you on track & motivated! In addition the program includes: daily menus, recipes, yoga, food advice, online support forum, food shopping list, relaxation exercises, mindful living tools and more!
*Will power alone is not the solution*
*Stop fighting cravings alone to then feel powerless and defeated*
*There is nothing wrong with you love, you just need a holistic and easy to follow plan and I have created it for you*
*I have done this for myself and for countless clients and now is your turn to feel powerful and in control of your cravings! *
Sounds good?! Don’t take my word for it this is what people are saying about my programs
“Since about 10 years ago, I was taking medication to control what doctor’s back home called Insulin Resistance syndrome… I knew I had to reduce the intake of sugars, bad fats, and carbohydrates in order to not make it worst and potentially become diabetic in the future… I decided to do Maria’s cleanse. After the cleanse program, I did the tests I always do to monitor this condition (glucose tolerance curve) and the results were astonishing! My doctor back home was marveled at the way I had taken care of my diet and the results I had gotten. He decided I could be off the medication as long as I kept eating clean and doing periodical tests.I cannot thank Maria enough for her guidance and for creating such well-thought and loving programs.I feel so empower now and reassured that my health is in my hands and through clean eating, I can heal myself.” Claudia
“The changes I have seen in the way I treat myself and how I eat have really improved. My health has definitely been much better since working with her. I am more aware of what I put in my body and without her help I would probably still be stuck with all of the negative self talk and not feeding my soul like a need to. I am so grateful to her for her help and guidance and have recommended her to several of my friends. If you want to change your life style for the better, meet with her. It has been one of the best things I have ever done for myself!” Maureen.
“Maria is an excellent health coach. She takes the time to answer all the questions and gives plenty of recipes to start a healthy lifestyle”. Amanda.
This empowering program will give you all of this:
Lose an average of 5-8 pounds in two weeks
Feel lighter, glow, and have tons of energy
Kick sugar cravings and learn how to keep them away
Rid you of those last few lingering pounds that always seem to cling to you
Master the mindful techniques to cope with stress and emotional eating
Here are the juicy details of what is included:
Challenge Guide: a step-by-step manual showing you exactly how to remove sugars in a safe and natural way
Recipe Guide: packed with over 30 scrumptious recipes that will improve digestion, decrease inflammation, and keep you feeling satisfied
Daily Email Support: just like it sounds, I’ll be in your inbox daily to provide support & accountability
Suggested Meals: this will help you stay on track and take the guesswork out of meals during your cleanse
At a Glance: a day-by-day overview of your entire program, with easy-to-follow recipes that make this journey easy as 1-2-3
Shopping List: to make trips to the supermarket super simple, which makes prepping, preparing, and cooking for your cleanse a breeze
Food Diary and Transition Guide: this amazing tool will help you keep track of how you’re feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally throughout the program
Yoga, breathing & EFT tapping tools: designed to increase flexibility, energize your routine, cope with cravings and help you release stagnant emotional energy keeping you in the sugar roller coaster.
Private Facebook forum: for daily support and to get quick answers to your burning questions
Maybe you can be the next happy person writing a message like this…
You too can feel this amazing. Register today!

Payment plans are available love, because I want you to succeed .
Email me
Why would you want to work with me?
I believe in clean eating. I believe in eating foods in their most natural state, because I know once you do that, you won’t have to count calories. Imagine how delicious of a life this can be? I don’t believe that a healthy relationship will ever exist between my clients and their plates if they are living with long lists of restrictions. Or, if they are labeling food choices as good or evil, or if they are generally not enjoying themselves and feeling energized and radiant.
The secret to living like this in knowing what works for you and listening to your body. That is it! If you are ready to ditch the diets, look at food in a new way and learn all my secrets about looking and feeling fabulous then you are in the right place. I am thrilled to have you as a member of this club! .
You know deep down that the relationship with food is one of the most important you’ll ever have. And we both know it can be scary, overwhelming and confusing out there! I get it & that is why my focus is people that are fed up with dieting and suffer from stress, low energy & constant cravings. I am a survivor o this modern “busy lifestyle” too. And that has made me a loving no-non-sense coach.
I was in this same place of exhaustion and overwhelm years ago. I felt completely “burned out” with a hectic lifestyle that had eating and self-care on the back burner. Cooking? That was not happening!! I had no time nor energy! And to feel good there was nothing like a latte, a sweet pastry, a glass of wine or a carb loaded meal. Does this sound familiar? If you are putting work and others first, while skipping meals, craving carbs and sweets and neglecting your health, don’t beat yourself up. You are not alone… The good news is that change begins here: when you are “sick and tired of being sick and tired”! I decided to overcome my stress and poor eating habits. I learnt how to liberate myself from the craving rollercoaster and I invite you to do the same. Take charge and let me show you the way. This is about WHAT WORKS IN REAL LIFE! This is about keeping it CLEAN and SIMPLE!