Your Invitation to Breathe with Me This Holiday

Let’s embrace our breath together to unlock our most vibrant life.

A Natural Way to Finally Calm Your Mind & Soothe Your Anxiety Away

… even during the holidays!

The last 18 months have been riddled with the uncertainty of what could happen next.

And, with the rush and inherent chaos of the holidays coming quickly upon us, it’s important to protect your energy, your peace, and your health.

Because sometimes being around family can bring up painful memories, difficult relationships, and complex dynamics that may make it even harder for us to cope.

That’s why I invite you to explore a new way to reset your nervous system, so that you can connect on a deeper level with your mind and heart and enjoy the holidays from a place of peace and flow.

It starts with ONE deep breath – it’s really that simple.

  • Are the holidays a particularly stressful time for you?
  • Do you struggle to have the mental energy, clarity, and focus you need during the winter?
  • Have you tried meditation to relieve your stress, but aren’t sure how to get started?
  • Is your sleep constantly interrupted or your health not where you want it to be? 
  • Are anxiety, anger, or grief affecting your life and your relationships?
  • Have you used food, alcohol, or shopping to help you feel better?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, then you really can get the relief you’ve been looking for by starting with just one breath.

Interested but need a payment plan? Click here to contact me about options

Your Personal Breathing Coach


Hi, I am Maria Marcano and I want to show you how you can tap into your breathing to build a vibrant, fulfilled, and stress-free life.

I don’t just say that to you. I promise you that this is something you can achieve.

I know, because I’ve been right where you are.

See, 10 years ago, I was sleepless, anxious, stressed, and tired – all the time. I even lost my temper, more than I would like, but I thought it was “just stress”… that somehow if I could manage my life then things would get ‘better’.

But, nothing ever really created the shift that I wanted and needed in my life.

Then my health was affected – from tension aches, eczema breakouts, and gut problems – things seemed to be escalating out of control.

I knew I needed something simple… something that worked with my busy schedule… something that would help me reconnect with myself.

In my heart, I felt that these ‘red flags’ were my signs directing me to take action. I didn’t want to end up with a serious health problem or destroying my closest relationships to the people I loved.

And, to prevent those things from happening, I needed to Breathe Again.

A Practical Solution That
Every Time

Breathing is a natural thing that we do every day, which is also why it can be the most practical strategy you can use to quickly calm your stress.

And, no matter if you’ve never tried yoga, meditation, or other alternative ‘healing’ forms that often feel too ‘woo woo’, breathwork is a very actionable practice that will get you results.

The practice of breath-initiated movement was an absolute game changer for me, especially in the winter as the days get shorter, colder, and darker.

Breathwork gave me control, strength, calm and mental focus that I couldn’t get anywhere else. It also gave me the time and space to soothe my anxiety so that I could finally feel energized and connected to the things that mattered most to me!

Which is why I am so excited to share this powerful work with all of my clients.

I invite you to explore the world of breathwork and how it can help you ease your stress, eliminate the inner chaos you might feel, and give you the immediate clarity you’re looking for to stop surviving and to start living.

You don’t have to suffer in silence anymore!

I’ve created the perfect blend: a self-paced program mixed with weekly guided sessions to help you master the principles and use your breath to unlock the next level of your life.

And as my holiday gift to you, I’m taking an extra $40 off your course registration when you sign up for the November course.

Need payment options? Click here to contact me and learn more.

Anyone Can Breathe!

You don’t have to suffer in silence anymore!

There is no rush and no stress. This program is 100% online and it doesn’t require yoga or meditation experience. It is accessible to anyone. If you can breathe you can join me and enjoy the results.

With your registration you get lifetime access to the materials in the online portal and 60-day replays of the practice recordings, because I know that repetition is the secret to success.

I created Breathe with Me for busy individuals, so you can do it whenever and wherever you are! I promise you that everything in this program is simple and truly powerful.


***When you register for the November course, I’m doing something extra special for the holidays.***

For a limited time, I’ll take $40 off the course fee – so you can join at the best price and get the fast, stress-relieving results you’ve been looking for.

Click here and contact me for payment plan options

Will breathwork really help me?

The short answer is: ABSOLUTELY!

Because if you answered “yes” to any of the questions at the top of this page, then I’d love to tell you an important secret…

These things can be alleviated with breathwork.

See, the root cause of many of our stress-related or health problems can be traced back to a lack of self-regulation skills. And, I don’t say that to point fingers, I say that because there is an easy solution – if you’re willing to embrace it.

When our nervous system is in distress, it gives us all sorts of signs as warning calls that we need to get it back into a place of alignment. Finding that place of balance is exactly what Breathe with Me will help you do.

Breathe with Me is a foundational online course for individuals looking to:

Create Emotional Peace

Improve Lung & Cardiovascular Health

Reclaim Mental Focus

In a nutshell, this course will give you the skills you need to stay grounded and in control in the midst of the busiest and unpredictable times (like the holidays).

What Others Are Saying About
Breath with Me

I want to continue to learn and practice the breath work and my goal is to have breathing incorporated into my life just like working out…There is no doubt that the past 2 months has given me a serious boost in the right direction. I absolutely love the peaceful, calm experience of the breathing practice and know that it is helping me a lot with my anxiety and stress and overall health. It is somewhere for me to go when I feel overwhelmed or unwell in any way and grounds me and brings me back to myself, to feeling like me and who I really am.”

– Michelle S.

I have worked with Maria for the past few months now and I am blown away by her genuine interest in my well being as a whole. She is an outstanding professional and a very eager and positive mentor by taking her time to ensure that the right tools are being provided. She is very patient and understanding and always has your best interest at heart. I highly recommend her to anyone as she is truly a special and beautiful person inside and out!!!” 

– Maria P.

“Practicing breathing, yoga and meditation with Maria has impacted my life in such a positive way…I have learned to deal with acute stress and anxiety by using what I have learned and Maria’s words…it has helped get me through everything from dentist appointments, crowded theme parks, restless sleep and so much more. Words cannot express my heartfelt gratitude.” 

– Kim M.

Stop wasting your time and money on temporary fixes:


A massage is nice but it only lasts an hour – it doesn’t solve the stress of a deadline or the pressure from your boss


A yoga class is great but how many classes do you have to attend to finally become a yogi master that doesn’t lay awake in bed worrying about problems?

Herbs, Supplements, & Vitamins

You can take your pick of herbs, supplements, and vitamins to “treat” almost any ailment you have. But, the truth is, pills and potions won’t really help you with the “messy feelings” you’re struggling with or keeping you out of a space of overwhelm.

What you need is to use your innate ability to come out of the stress response and build a lifestyle where the usual triggers do not send you into flight or fight every time.

One of the components of this innate technology is your breathing. And, in this unique online course I will support you in incorporating healing breathwork into your everyday life – no matter your busy schedule or lifestyle!

During Breathe with Me, you’ll learn the cornerstone skills for the understanding of your nervous system and how to apply self-regulation using breath-initiated movement.

Plus, when you join my November’s course, I’ll take an extra $40 off your course fee. That way you can enjoy all of the amazing results breathwork has to offer, at one low price – that’s cheaper than 3 one-hour massage sessions!

Plus, when you join my November’s course, I’ll take an extra $40 off your course fee. That way you can enjoy all of the amazing results breathwork has to offer, and keep them for life – that’s better than a few  massage sessions that only last one hour!

Want to join but need a payment plan? Click here and let’s chat

Think You’re Too Busy?

No problem! This program is 100% online and it doesn’t require yoga or meditation experience. It is accessible to anyone. If you can breathe you can join me and enjoy the results.

November 1 – November 29

What Do You Get?


Live Zooms: This is not one of those online courses where you are left alone to learn. I will be there with you! You’ll get 5 one-hour guided group practices and coaching sessions (recordings will be available for those that can’t attend)

Learning Modules: You will also have access to your own online course portal containing the modules, handouts, references, and additional video support to empower you in your journey

Module One: Get the basis for building a practice that lasts and delivers results

  • Create a deep and meaningful goal that motivates you to stick to the practice
  • Build an intention that addresses the ways you have sabotaged yourself in the past
  • Start building the foundation to your practice: Fundamentals of breathing and the theory behind the practice

Module Two: Connecting the mind and the body with the breath

  • Learn how to initiate & synchronize movements and actions with the breath
  • Learn and practice the core exercises of this methodology
  • Build your unique practice schedule and learn to track your progress

Module Three: Create clear and energizing mornings & witness your mind

  • Morning breath work sequences for peaceful energy
  • Go deeper. Refine your practice
  • Understand your edge and go beyond the programmed resistance

Module Four: Take your practice to your real life

  • Meditative forms of breathing for an overactive mind
  • Mastering the breathing for beginners
  • Short breath work remedies to help with specific mental states: anxiety, depression, and insomnia

Want More?

You will get a Bonus Zoom Session where I will coach each of you so you can establish an at home practice that fits your lifestyle & needs . At the end of this session we will close with a transformational breathing sequence to open our emotional hearts and enjoy the holiday season.

Everyone will get the chance to participate in the bonus group Q&A!

Here’s A Breakdown

Course Portal with Videos, Practices & Guides – $297 value
Four Live Practice Sessions – $460 value
Bonus Group Coaching & Heart Opening Practice – $90 value
Bonus Access to the Breathe & Heal Class of the Month – $20 value

Want Even More?

I will offer a personal discovery call upon completion of the program to the students that register by October 10, 2022.
That’s an extra $180 value!

That’s a value of $1,047 packed in this course!
But this isn’t the price I’m offering you.

If you have read up to here I know that you really need this and I want to help you. This is why this investment in your well-being is

only $355

(was $395)

Anyone Can Breathe!

There are no reasons why you should keep on suffering this way.

There is no rush and no stress. With your registration you get a lifetime access to the materials in your portal and 60-day replays of the practice recordings, because I know that repetition is the secret to success.

I created this course for busy individuals. I built this for people like you that need something that can work every time. Everything in this program is simple and powerful.

Are you ready to Breathe and feel alive again?

Contact me for  payment plan options